How Swimming In A Saltwater Fibreglass Pool Benefits Skin
Many homeowners are confused when deciding what kind of pool is most beneficial and easy to maintain. There are several things to consider but the main things are the kind of pool and the water in it.

The advantages of fibreglass pools are not hidden from anyone. Safe pool chemistry, ease of installation and maintenance, sleek designs, and smooth surfaces are making them popular by the day. These smooth pools are also good for people with sensitive skin as there are no chances of scratches and bruises from sharp edges or broken tiles. The benefits double up when a saltwater system is added to fibreglass pools.
It is nothing but an electrical saltwater/chlorine generator that’s added to saltwater pools. In this case, also, chlorine is cleaning your pool but not in a harsh way. Instead of using strong-smelling chlorine granules, you have to use bags of pool-grade salt. The saltwater generator then turns the salt into chlorine. The salt remains in the water, gets recycled, reused and maintains the desired chlorine level in your fibreglass pool.
Saltwater pools create a soothing, happy environment for your skin and have other health benefits too. Swimming in a saltwater pool is like dipping in the ocean without sand and harmful pollutants like mercury, petroleum wastes, agriculture runoff, and other chemicals. The main difference is, it’s cleaner, there’s no danger of shark attacks, and you get exercise from swimming in the comfort of your home. The most important thing is, a saltwater pool offers the same revitalising physical and mental qualities the natural ocean offers. Additionally, you can save a lot by not having to buy chlorine tablets and granules constantly for your pool. Plus, the pool chemistry is easier to monitor and you can escape from the strong smell of chlorine.
Saltwater feels good on the skin
Users of saltwater pools say the water in saltwater pools feels gentler, smoother, and silkier on the skin. Some people who get itches and skin irritation in chlorine pools find saltwater pools to be gentler on their skin. The saltwater generator monitors and releases a stable amount of chlorine into the pool so the level is better maintained, making the water gentler on the skin. Also, the well-balanced chlorine level helps in avoiding algae growth. In chlorine pools, especially after shocking the pool, swimmers find the water harsher on their skin.
Saltwater can act as a gentle exfoliating agent for sensitive skin
Store-bought exfoliants can irritate sensitive skin. Who knows this better than someone with sensitive skin? People with sensitive skin know the difficulties of getting their hands on all-skin-type friendly, non-irritating exfoliants. Fortunately, salt water has gentle but effective, exfoliating properties that can benefit most skin types. People suffering from skin conditions, like acne, warts, scaling psoriatic skin, and eczema, find saltwater less harsh and beneficial in different ways. The sulphur present in saltwater pools has a keratolytic effect that helps to soften, break down, and remove dead skin. In the process, the clogged skin pores get cleared up and also stay moisturised. In a nutshell, salt water helps to exfoliate and also works as a natural moisturiser.

Helps the scalp and hair to stay healthy
Every time you take a dip in a saltwater pool, not only does it help your skin but also your hair. An itchy, dry, flaky scalp can get a natural treatment from saltwater that allows it to absorb minerals better. The same goes for your hair. Pool cleaning chlorine is not your hair’s BFF either. There can be a build-up of chemicals on hair follicles from added chlorine in the pool water. The harsh chemicals can damage the hair in different ways leading to slow hair growth. The chemicals may also block the pores on the scalp, not allowing it to breathe, and affecting your hair health.
People with light-coloured hair know how their hair turns a funny shade of green if they spend too much time in a chlorine pool. In a saltwater pool, their hair is spared from this trouble.
Not only that, chlorine added to the pool can rob the natural protective layer of your hair. Thus, hair has more chances of becoming rough, brittle, and losing its natural shine. Saltwater pools do not damage the strands of hair making them dry, porous, dull, and rough.
Saltwater is less harsh on the eyes
When ocean water splashes on your eyes, it burns! But salt present in saltwater pools contains way less salt making it gentler on your eyes. The salt generator makes the water salty enough to keep your eyes comfortable, just like your salty tears! Swimming in a chlorine pool may sting your eyes but in a saltwater pool, chances are less.

Less chlorine is safer for overall health
Handling and storing pool chlorine is difficult, why? Chlorine is corrosive, poisonous, and can cause fire hazards. Touching chlorine tablets with your bare hands can cause nasty chemical burns. Some studies have also connected chlorine exposure to certain cancers. Chlorine is necessary for a pool to keep it sanitised but comes with its downsides many of which affect your health. Chlorine irritates the skin, eyes, lungs, and respiratory passage. So what’s the healthier alternative? Saltwater pools of course! Saltwater pools contain the amount of chlorine that’s required to maintain pool health but are gentler and better for overall health.
Research indicates saltwater systems may be safer alternatives to chlorine pools. Owning saltwater pools does not need storing pool chlorine, or adding them at regular intervals and after heavy showers. The saltwater generator does the job and keeps the pool water safer and healthier. Although both kinds of pool water need regular monitoring with testing kits, the gentler saltwater gives users a better experience. It feels more soothing and swimmers find it desirable.
Saltwater pools are becoming extremely popular and are found in many hotels, resorts, and even cruise ships. Installing a saltwater pool is like bringing the ocean to your backyard, only with more convenience and safety. If you are thinking of investing in a pool, a saltwater fibreglass pool sure needs to top your list.
How Swimming In A Saltwater Fibreglass Pool Benefits Skin
Many homeowners are confused when deciding what kind of pool is most beneficial and easy to maintain. There are several things to consider but the main things are the kind of pool and the water in it.

The advantages of fibreglass pools are not hidden from anyone. Safe pool chemistry, ease of installation and maintenance, sleek designs, and smooth surfaces are making them popular by the day. These smooth pools are also good for people with sensitive skin as there are no chances of scratches and bruises from sharp edges or broken tiles. The benefits double up when a saltwater system is added to fibreglass pools.
It is nothing but an electrical saltwater/chlorine generator that’s added to saltwater pools. In this case, also, chlorine is cleaning your pool but not in a harsh way. Instead of using strong-smelling chlorine granules, you have to use bags of pool-grade salt. The saltwater generator then turns the salt into chlorine. The salt remains in the water, gets recycled, reused and maintains the desired chlorine level in your fibreglass pool.
Saltwater pools create a soothing, happy environment for your skin and have other health benefits too. Swimming in a saltwater pool is like dipping in the ocean without sand and harmful pollutants like mercury, petroleum wastes, agriculture runoff, and other chemicals. The main difference is, it’s cleaner, there’s no danger of shark attacks, and you get exercise from swimming in the comfort of your home. The most important thing is, a saltwater pool offers the same revitalising physical and mental qualities the natural ocean offers. Additionally, you can save a lot by not having to buy chlorine tablets and granules constantly for your pool. Plus, the pool chemistry is easier to monitor and you can escape from the strong smell of chlorine.
Saltwater feels good on the skin
Users of saltwater pools say the water in saltwater pools feels gentler, smoother, and silkier on the skin. Some people who get itches and skin irritation in chlorine pools find saltwater pools to be gentler on their skin. The saltwater generator monitors and releases a stable amount of chlorine into the pool so the level is better maintained, making the water gentler on the skin. Also, the well-balanced chlorine level helps in avoiding algae growth. In chlorine pools, especially after shocking the pool, swimmers find the water harsher on their skin.
Saltwater can act as a gentle exfoliating agent for sensitive skin
Store-bought exfoliants can irritate sensitive skin. Who knows this better than someone with sensitive skin? People with sensitive skin know the difficulties of getting their hands on all-skin-type friendly, non-irritating exfoliants. Fortunately, salt water has gentle but effective, exfoliating properties that can benefit most skin types. People suffering from skin conditions, like acne, warts, scaling psoriatic skin, and eczema, find saltwater less harsh and beneficial in different ways. The sulphur present in saltwater pools has a keratolytic effect that helps to soften, break down, and remove dead skin. In the process, the clogged skin pores get cleared up and also stay moisturised. In a nutshell, salt water helps to exfoliate and also works as a natural moisturiser.

Helps the scalp and hair to stay healthy
Every time you take a dip in a saltwater pool, not only does it help your skin but also your hair. An itchy, dry, flaky scalp can get a natural treatment from saltwater that allows it to absorb minerals better. The same goes for your hair. Pool cleaning chlorine is not your hair’s BFF either. There can be a build-up of chemicals on hair follicles from added chlorine in the pool water. The harsh chemicals can damage the hair in different ways leading to slow hair growth. The chemicals may also block the pores on the scalp, not allowing it to breathe, and affecting your hair health.
People with light-coloured hair know how their hair turns a funny shade of green if they spend too much time in a chlorine pool. In a saltwater pool, their hair is spared from this trouble.
Not only that, chlorine added to the pool can rob the natural protective layer of your hair. Thus, hair has more chances of becoming rough, brittle, and losing its natural shine. Saltwater pools do not damage the strands of hair making them dry, porous, dull, and rough.
Saltwater is less harsh on the eyes
When ocean water splashes on your eyes, it burns! But salt present in saltwater pools contains way less salt making it gentler on your eyes. The salt generator makes the water salty enough to keep your eyes comfortable, just like your salty tears! Swimming in a chlorine pool may sting your eyes but in a saltwater pool, chances are less.

Less chlorine is safer for overall health
Handling and storing pool chlorine is difficult, why? Chlorine is corrosive, poisonous, and can cause fire hazards. Touching chlorine tablets with your bare hands can cause nasty chemical burns. Some studies have also connected chlorine exposure to certain cancers. Chlorine is necessary for a pool to keep it sanitised but comes with its downsides many of which affect your health. Chlorine irritates the skin, eyes, lungs, and respiratory passage. So what’s the healthier alternative? Saltwater pools of course! Saltwater pools contain the amount of chlorine that’s required to maintain pool health but are gentler and better for overall health.
Research indicates saltwater systems may be safer alternatives to chlorine pools. Owning saltwater pools does not need storing pool chlorine, or adding them at regular intervals and after heavy showers. The saltwater generator does the job and keeps the pool water safer and healthier. Although both kinds of pool water need regular monitoring with testing kits, the gentler saltwater gives users a better experience. It feels more soothing and swimmers find it desirable.
Saltwater pools are becoming extremely popular and are found in many hotels, resorts, and even cruise ships. Installing a saltwater pool is like bringing the ocean to your backyard, only with more convenience and safety. If you are thinking of investing in a pool, a saltwater fibreglass pool sure needs to top your list.