How To Kill Algae Quickly!
If you own a fibreglass pool, then you need to protect your pool from pool algae. Low chlorine levels in the pool is a major causative factor behind pool algae. If the pool has bad water chemistry, or if the water filtration system isn’t adequate, then you may find yourself needing to deal with pool algae as well.
Pool algae can also be introduced to the pool water through toys or even swimwear that had been used in bodies of water that are natural. If you find algae in your water, then you should consider acting immediately. Otherwise, you may find yourself dealing with algae blooms.
Normal doses of pool chlorine aren’t enough to get rid of pool algae. At the same time, your pool filter also isn’t designed to get rid of spores of algae.

Understanding Pool Algae
Spores of algae can be found everywhere. They can enter your pool from rainwater, from dirt and debris, and even from the wind. Algae spores only become a problem should they start multiplying in the water in your pool. When this happens, algae spores turn into an algae bloom. They can even start growing on the walls of your pool.
If your pool has low levels of chlorine, imbalanced pH levels, the filter is dirty, or even poor pool water circulation. These can all lead to the growth of algae. Should someone introduce toys or even swimwear that were used in natural bodies of water, then these can introduce algae to your pool as well.
It’s a lot easier to prevent algae from affecting your pool, than it is to get rid of a full-blown algae bloom. This is why pool water maintenance is so important. You’ll also need to clean the filter system on a regular basis, as well as wash any swimwear or toys after use in natural bodies of water.
Different Types Of Algae Found In Pools
In order to treat pool algae, you should know what the different types of pool algae are. You can tell by the colour of the algae in your pool. There are three kinds of algae you can find in your pool.
1. Green Algae
This is the most common type of algae and also the easiest to get rid of. Such algae floats in the pool water and has the potential to spread quickly. When this happens, the colour of the pool water can turn cloudy. You can also find green slime growing on the surface of your pool. You will need to vacuum as well as brush your pool, then shock the pool, and finally get the water.
2. Yellow Algae
This kind of pool algae is also known as mustard algae. This is a rare kind of pool algae that is more often found in places with a humid climate. Visually, such algae resembles pollen or even sand. You’ll find yellow algae clinging to the shady areas of your pool. This kind of algae is resistant to chlorine.
To get rid of mustard algae, you will need to brush your pool multiple times. You will need to add more shock to the water of the pool as well.
3. Black Algae
If you find this colour of pool algae, then what you’re actually dealing with is bacteria. The roots of black algae have the power to penetrate into the surface of the concrete. This makes it difficult to kill as well. To get rid of black algae, you’ll need to deep clean your pool several times. Remember that if you don’t clean your pool wall, then this kind of algae has the potential to grow back fast.
Should you find pink algae in your pool, then note that you’re dealing with bacteria as well. To get rid of pink algae, you’ll need to add pink algaecide.

How Can You Get Rid Of Algae From Your Pool?
Here is everything you need to do to get rid of algae from the pool:
1. Manually Vacuum The Pool
If you have automatic or robotic pool cleaners, then they won’t be able to remove algae from the pool. You’ll have to vacuum the pool by yourself, by adjusting the filter’s setting to Waste. This allows the filter to be bypassed, preventing contaminated water from being circulated back into the pool.
Remember to refill the water in the pool as you vacuum, paying special attention to the algae as you clean.
2. Brush The Walls As Well As The Floors
You will need to carefully scrub the walls of the pool, to ensure there is no algae in it. This can also enable the chlorine to more deeply enter the algae. Any contaminants in the walls or the floors can also be cleaned out.
Remember to pay attention to any corners or crevices, as well as shady areas. These are places where you’re likely to find algae.
3. Test The Water And Balance It
You can use test kits, as well as a digital kit. A liquid test kit can also enable you to test the pH level, as well as the alkalinity of the pool. If you balance your pool water, then it can keep the pool sanitized, as well as be effective against algae. If the pH levels are high, or if the alkalinity is low, then this can affect pool shock.

4. Shock The Pool
Shock, when added to the pool, has the effect of chlorinating the pool. The extra sanitiser can kill algae and inhibit its growth. If you have a serious algae problem, then you will need more pool shock.
Typically, for green algae, you’ll need shock that is double the dose. For yellow or even dark green coloured algae, you’ll need triple the dose. For black algae, you’ll need four times the dose.
The pool should be shocked at dusk or at night. Otherwise, the sunlight can eat up the chlorine before it can kill the pool algae.
5. Filter Out The Algae
After the pool algae is killed, the pool will turn into a cloud blue colour. You’ll need to run your filter for at least eight hours or until the colour of the water is clear.
Following this, you’ll need to deep clean your pool filter. If you have a sand or a DE filter, then backwash them. Filter cartridges need to be soaked in muriatic acid that is diluted or replaced.
Please feel free to contact our friendly team if you have any questions!