Building A New House? Here's Why You Should Definitely Include A Fibreglass Pool!
So, are you building a new house? Now would be the perfect time to add a swimming pool to the backyard!
When you are deciding to install a pool in your house, there are a lot of options to choose from, and one of the most popular ones is the fibreglass pool. Over the last few years, fibreglass pools have become increasingly popular, especially among people who want their pools to be installed sooner and have fewer long-term maintenance issues to worry about. Let’s take a closer look at why you should definitely include a fibreglass pool in your new home.

Faster Installation
You can get fibreglass pools installed faster than other types of pools. The reason behind this is that the installation of these pools is done as one piece. After the shell has been manufactured, it will only take about a week to get it installed. Also, unlike other pools, the installation is not as dependent on the weather. For pools like concrete and vinyl liner, you need specific weather conditions in order to prevent any damage during installation. Even though ideal conditions are required for fibreglass pools, mostly for the installers’ safety, the fibreglass pools are not as vulnerable to adverse conditions such as sharp temperature fluctuations or rain as other pools.
Fibreglass pools are known to be more durable, stronger, and less likely to get damaged. Even though there are a lot of benefits to vinyl pools, it is known that a fibreglass pool is less likely to get punctured. This is why it has lower overall maintenance costs and fewer damage risks over its life. There are some things that can puncture a liner pool, like dog claws, sharp ends of a pool pole, or a wide range of non-pool-safe toys. These items won’t be much of a concern in the case of a fibreglass pool.
Lower Maintenance
In the case of a fibreglass pool, you will be virtually free of any maintenance. One reason behind this is durability, as mentioned in the point above. The other reason is that it has a less porous and smooth surface. It will help prevent algae growth, something that is common with other types of pools that come with crevices, like a concrete pool. If you have a fibreglass pool, you will spend less time cleaning and maintaining your pool and spend less on long-term maintenance. In fact, anyone who works in the swimming pool industry knows that fibreglass pools are easier to maintain as compared to other types of pools like concrete.
No More Sore Feet
Have you tried playing volleyball in a concrete pool before? If you have played for over 20 minutes, you would have found that the bottoms of your feet have started to suffer. Since a fibreglass pool has a much smoother surface, you won’t have to deal with aching feet. Also, there won’t be any algae growth in the little crevices, something that is common in a concrete pool.

No Liner Resurfacing Or Replacement
If you have a vinyl liner pool, you will have to replace it eventually. There are no liners in a fibreglass pool. This can be a big expense which is something that you won’t have to ever deal with a fibreglass pool. Also, in the case of a concrete pool, you will be responsible for maintaining and cleaning it. You have to get the pools resurfaced and acid-washed every few years. If you get a fibreglass pool installed in your new home, you won’t have to worry about these concerns.
Less Chemicals
Do you want to swim in a vat of chemicals? You don’t want your friends and family members floating around in chemicals. Even if you are not worried about spending money on chemicals, the thought of swimming in them will make you want to use them as little as you can. What you can do is skip the whole chemical ordeal and get a salt water based system. Fibreglass swimming pools are the only type of swimming pools that are 100% compatible with salt.
Fibreglass swimming pools are the only type of swimming pools that are 100% compatible with salt
Works Great With Salt Chlorine Generators
Currently, the swimming pool industry is raging about salt. The one drawback of this very low-maintenance device is that it is hard on metal and concrete surfaces. In fact, there are some concrete pool builders who don’t allow salt chlorinators for their pool because it can damage the plaster finish faster. You won’t have to worry about this in the case of a fibreglass pool.
Requires Less Energy To Heat
The energy consumption by your pool is something that you should not take lightly. This is one of the most benefits offered by a fibreglass swimming pool in terms of costs. There are many people who are switching from gunite and vinyl pools to fibreglass pools because the cost of heating the latter is much higher than the cost of replacing their pools with a fibreglass one. You might also want to get a fibreglass pool because you don’t want to avoid having fun in the pool just because the water is cold. Since concrete is only hard soil and vinyl pools are thin liners that have zero insulating property on the soil, both of them have almost the same heating properties. And since fibreglass was originally designed as an insulator, it has better heat retention properties.
Lower Cost
Regardless of what type of swimming pool you are installing, it is going to be a major investment. But what you might not have considered is the additional costs that will come in the long term in the form of maintenance. The upfront cost of a fibreglass pool might be higher than the others, but when you consider other benefits like low maintenance, it will cost you less over the long term.
Depending on what you want and what your budget is, you should talk to a professional to figure out whether a fibreglass pool is the right option for your new home or not.