Feeling Tired and Drained Out Lately? Your Swimming Pool Can Help!
A Barrier Reef Pools Article
If you're like most people, you enjoy spending time in the water. You might even consider it a great way to relax and unwind. But is there more to swimming than just floating around on your back? The answer is yes! Swimming pools can be a great way to improve your overall health. It's an exercise for everyone from Olympic athletes to the average Joe on the street corner. So, if you have been feeling tired, read on to learn how your fibreglass swimming pool can help.

How can your swimming pool help you?
Stress reliever
Swimming can be a great way to relieve stress. It’s low impact and allows you to relax in your own backyard, which makes it easy for anyone who is feeling stressed or overworked. The water provides resistance, which means that you don’t have to exert yourself as much as if you were running or doing other cardio exercises.
Swimming is also great for those who have injuries or pain from arthritis in their joints because it does not put any pressure on joints at all!
Happy hormones
The endorphins you get from swimming are similar to the ones produced by exercise. They help your body relax and feel good, which can help you sleep better at night and even make it easier for you to fall asleep!
Serotonin is another hormone that’s released when you swim in the water. This chemical helps make you feel happy while you’re swimming because it makes your body feel relaxed and at ease.
Brain Health
You might not think that the water in your swimming pool can help with brain health. But it actually can! Swimming is a great way to exercise and reduce stress, improve memory, relieve pain, and lower anxiety levels.
Swimming improves your body’s ability to balance itself while also helping you maintain an even heart rate. This means that when you’re done swimming for the day or evening, your body will be in better condition than before. That’s why people who swim regularly tend to feel less tired after exercising than those who don’t do any type of exercise at all.

Blue colour
If you are looking for a way to relax and unwind, the blue colour of your pool can be just what you need. The calming effect of this shade is known to promote feelings of peace and tranquility. It can also help reduce stress levels when used in conjunction with other soothing elements such as candles or incense burning.
Blue has been associated with happiness for centuries, so it’s no surprise that it would work well as an upbeat mood booster! In fact, studies show that people who live near ponds tend to report feeling happier than their peers who don’t have access to aquatic environments at all.
Boost your mental health
Swimming pools can also help you to boost your mental health. The colour blue has been shown to stimulate the brain, and it’s associated with calmness and serenity. Blue is often associated with water and the sea. This is why people enjoy spending time in their swimming pool at least once a week during the summer months.
Blue-coloured pools have also been shown to reduce stress levels by up to 25%! This makes sense because we’ve all been there. You’re exhausted after work or school but don’t want anything else on your mind except “sleep.” Well, now you’ll be able to kick back with some bubbles while simultaneously relaxing your body!
Here is what you need to do
Go Underwater and Really Experience It
If you’re tired and drained out, go underwater and really experience it. Breathe in and out slowly, and relax as much as possible. Feel the water on your skin, feel the water on your face, feel the water on your hair. Feel how wonderful it is to be in an environment that makes you feel so relaxed!
You might feel like you’re in a dream, or that you’re floating, or that you don’t want to leave. This is the feeling of being underwater—and it can be very addictive!

Slower Is Better
If you’re in a hurry, you may be tempted to go faster than your body can handle. This is a mistake! Slower is better for your health and fitness level. It also helps with your swimming technique.
When you swim faster, there are more drag forces on your body than when swimming at a slower pace or even no pace at all. But by slowing down, these drag forces are reduced and allow for greater efficiency in the water.
Breathe Before You Need To Swim
Breathe. This is the first step to taking control of your breathing, so don’t forget it!
When you are feeling tired and drained out, try breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. You shouldn’t actually be breathing in or out at all; this is just for practice purposes. Take a deep breath in (through the nose), hold it for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly through both nostrils until there is only air coming from one side of your mouth. Repeat this several times while floating on the water. You will feel like you’ve got control over how hard/fast/long each inhalation & exhalation was held. Also, don’t worry about counting or timing anything else!
Relaxation is important for your health, but it’s also a crucial part of living a happy life. Relaxation exercises while floating on the water can help you relax and feel better. You should try them at least once per week to get the most out of them! To make the experience even more relaxing, consider shading your pool area so that even when it’s sunny, you can still enjoy the cool water!
You’re not alone. As we said before, there are many reasons why you might feel tired and drained out lately. It might be because of work stress, relationship issues or just the fact that life can get overwhelming at times. Whatever the cause, swimming pools are a great way to relax and boost your mental health by giving yourself a break from reality for a little while!
Swimming is a great way to get exercise and stay in shape. It is a low-impact form of exercise that can help to tone muscles and improve cardiovascular health. Additionally, swimming is a great way to relieve stress and relax the mind. Swimming in your pool can also be a great way to enjoy the outdoors and get some fresh air. It is a great activity for families or groups of friends, and it can be a fun way to socialise and spend time together.
Fibreglass swimming pools can range between $40-$80k, sometimes even going into the $100k range. You can get a simple pool design, with basic pavers and landscaping, which will bring the price down. Going the other way and splashing out (we’re so punny) on a complex pool shell, quality pavers and well thought out landscaping, can raise the price. Contact your local pool builder for more information, as they can help you with more accurate numbers.
Feeling Tired and Drained Out Lately? Your Swimming Pool Can Help!
A Barrier Reef Pools Article
If you're like most people, you enjoy spending time in the water. You might even consider it a great way to relax and unwind. But is there more to swimming than just floating around on your back? The answer is yes! Swimming pools can be a great way to improve your overall health. It's an exercise for everyone from Olympic athletes to the average Joe on the street corner. So, if you have been feeling tired, read on to learn how your fibreglass swimming pool can help.

How can your swimming pool help you?
Stress reliever
Swimming can be a great way to relieve stress. It’s low impact and allows you to relax in your own backyard, which makes it easy for anyone who is feeling stressed or overworked. The water provides resistance, which means that you don’t have to exert yourself as much as if you were running or doing other cardio exercises.
Swimming is also great for those who have injuries or pain from arthritis in their joints because it does not put any pressure on joints at all!
Happy hormones
The endorphins you get from swimming are similar to the ones produced by exercise. They help your body relax and feel good, which can help you sleep better at night and even make it easier for you to fall asleep!
Serotonin is another hormone that’s released when you swim in the water. This chemical helps make you feel happy while you’re swimming because it makes your body feel relaxed and at ease.
Brain Health
You might not think that the water in your swimming pool can help with brain health. But it actually can! Swimming is a great way to exercise and reduce stress, improve memory, relieve pain, and lower anxiety levels.
Swimming improves your body’s ability to balance itself while also helping you maintain an even heart rate. This means that when you’re done swimming for the day or evening, your body will be in better condition than before. That’s why people who swim regularly tend to feel less tired after exercising than those who don’t do any type of exercise at all.

Blue colour
If you are looking for a way to relax and unwind, the blue colour of your pool can be just what you need. The calming effect of this shade is known to promote feelings of peace and tranquility. It can also help reduce stress levels when used in conjunction with other soothing elements such as candles or incense burning.
Blue has been associated with happiness for centuries, so it’s no surprise that it would work well as an upbeat mood booster! In fact, studies show that people who live near ponds tend to report feeling happier than their peers who don’t have access to aquatic environments at all.
Boost your mental health
Swimming pools can also help you to boost your mental health. The colour blue has been shown to stimulate the brain, and it’s associated with calmness and serenity. Blue is often associated with water and the sea. This is why people enjoy spending time in their swimming pool at least once a week during the summer months.
Blue-coloured pools have also been shown to reduce stress levels by up to 25%! This makes sense because we’ve all been there. You’re exhausted after work or school but don’t want anything else on your mind except “sleep.” Well, now you’ll be able to kick back with some bubbles while simultaneously relaxing your body!
Here is what you need to do
Go Underwater and Really Experience It
If you’re tired and drained out, go underwater and really experience it. Breathe in and out slowly, and relax as much as possible. Feel the water on your skin, feel the water on your face, feel the water on your hair. Feel how wonderful it is to be in an environment that makes you feel so relaxed!
You might feel like you’re in a dream, or that you’re floating, or that you don’t want to leave. This is the feeling of being underwater—and it can be very addictive!

Slower Is Better
If you’re in a hurry, you may be tempted to go faster than your body can handle. This is a mistake! Slower is better for your health and fitness level. It also helps with your swimming technique.
When you swim faster, there are more drag forces on your body than when swimming at a slower pace or even no pace at all. But by slowing down, these drag forces are reduced and allow for greater efficiency in the water.
Breathe Before You Need To Swim
Breathe. This is the first step to taking control of your breathing, so don’t forget it!
When you are feeling tired and drained out, try breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. You shouldn’t actually be breathing in or out at all; this is just for practice purposes. Take a deep breath in (through the nose), hold it for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly through both nostrils until there is only air coming from one side of your mouth. Repeat this several times while floating on the water. You will feel like you’ve got control over how hard/fast/long each inhalation & exhalation was held. Also, don’t worry about counting or timing anything else!
Relaxation is important for your health, but it’s also a crucial part of living a happy life. Relaxation exercises while floating on the water can help you relax and feel better. You should try them at least once per week to get the most out of them! To make the experience even more relaxing, consider shading your pool area so that even when it’s sunny, you can still enjoy the cool water!
You’re not alone. As we said before, there are many reasons why you might feel tired and drained out lately. It might be because of work stress, relationship issues or just the fact that life can get overwhelming at times. Whatever the cause, swimming pools are a great way to relax and boost your mental health by giving yourself a break from reality for a little while!
Swimming is a great way to get exercise and stay in shape. It is a low-impact form of exercise that can help to tone muscles and improve cardiovascular health. Additionally, swimming is a great way to relieve stress and relax the mind. Swimming in your pool can also be a great way to enjoy the outdoors and get some fresh air. It is a great activity for families or groups of friends, and it can be a fun way to socialise and spend time together.
Fibreglass swimming pools can range between $40-$80k, sometimes even going into the $100k range. You can get a simple pool design, with basic pavers and landscaping, which will bring the price down. Going the other way and splashing out (we’re so punny) on a complex pool shell, quality pavers and well thought out landscaping, can raise the price. Contact your local pool builder for more information, as they can help you with more accurate numbers.