The Many Benefits Of A Saltwater Pool
When you understand the health benefits of a saltwater swimming pool, you will realise why pools with saltwater generators are becoming the popular alternative to traditional chlorine pools. Families aren't keen on the strong smell or the eye-burning that goes with having a traditional chlorine system. While essentially both systems will keep your water clean using chlorine, the salt chlorine generator will convert the salt into chlorine via a process called electrolysis. This removes the bacteria and algae to keep your pool clean, and even though salt is added at a high level to the water using a salt chlorine generator, you won’t have to worry about actually tasting the salt! Your pool will only have a salinity level that is 1/10th the saltiness of the ocean. Let’s look at the many benefits of a saltwater pool.

Swimming is already a great way to relax, and with how busy our lives are this is a key benefit! Especially because swimming in saltwater is known to promote our body’s natural relaxation process more effectively. The exposure to salt water will also soothe sore muscles and relieve stiffness and pain from arthritis too.
Salt is safer to store than chlorine in its solid or powdered form. This means there is no risk of your children or pets stumbling upon the toxic chlorine on your property. When chlorine is stored or used incorrectly, it can be poisonous, corrosive, and also a fire hazard. Luckily, you won’t have these concerns when you have a saltwater generator in your swimming pool. Not only does the storage of salt versus chlorine have an impact on safety around your pool, it also has an impact on the safety of the water. With salt, the chlorine levels from electrolysis are much lower than the concentration of traditional chlorine, this will eliminate exposure to direct contact with harsh chemicals in the water on skin, as well as eyes- you can open your eyes underwater without risk!
Even though you are replacing the traditional chlorine with salt, your pool is actually not ‘chlorine-free’. The process of electrolysis converts dissolved salt (sodium chloride) into chlorine. This sodium hypochlorite and hypochlorous acid (form of chlorine produced via electrolysis), are capable of neutralising the bacteria and algae in your pool just as successfully as the old- school chlorine. This means you are left with clean and sanitary water with lower levels of chloramines which are known to cause skin and eye irritation with that unpleasant “chlorine” smell – so you don’t have to be worried about getting out of the pool smelling like chlorine yourself.

Gentle On Eyes
Salt is safe, sanitary and best of all gentle on swimmers eyes. No longer will your eyes itch, burn or turn red after spending time in a chlorinated pool. The level of salt in a saltwater pool is around 3,500 parts per million and is far lower than the 35,000 parts per million in seawater. Saltwater in a pool actually mimics a similar concentration of the salt found in our tears. This is why it is less likely to irritate your eyes compared to chlorine.
Soothing For Skin
Saltwater is known to feel softer on your skin. It also increases the ability of your skin to lock in moisture which helps to nourish your skin. Saltwater acts as a natural exfoliator, and people with allergies, sensitive skin or things like eczema, psoriasis, acne, and other skin conditions can use the pool risk free. Swimming in salty water can even have therapeutic effects for people. Compared to the high chlorine content from a traditionally chlorinated pool, which can leave your body feeling dry and skin feeling itchy when you get out of the pool. Saltwater has no damaging effects on your hair, skin, or body like chlorine does.
Non-Irritating To The Lungs
Did you know that some people can experience lung irritation after swimming in highly chlorinated swimming pools? The chlorine aggravates asthma and allergy symptoms, and can even cause other breathing problems. Salt water is an excellent alternative, as the soft, mild water can actually alleviate many concerns associated with lung conditions, instead of exasperating them.

Less Maintenance And More Economical
There is no risk of overdosing your pool with harsh chemicals which would make it unsafe to swim in, like how chlorine pools can. Because the saltwater generator makes the chlorine automatically when the pool pumps switch on it maintains a consistent level of chlorine. Also saltwater pools are more economical to run compared to chlorine, because the salt is cheaper than traditional chlorine. (Chlorine is around $150 a year whereas salt is around $20.)
When deciding whether to use a salt water system or a chlorine system for your pool, it’s important for you to understand the benefits as well as the challenges of both chlorine and saltwater, to keep your pool in top condition. Salt can be corrosive, so you need to look after the areas around your fibreglass pool as they will be subjected to getting splashed. Use fresh water to wash down concrete, equipment, or the timber deck around your pool after you use the pool, to prevent damage from occurring. You will need to make sure that the handrails that you are installing are compatible with the salt water system.
Also keep in mind that saltwater pools will typically require additional attention to balance the water levels, and you will need to run the pool pump for a minimum of 8 hours per day, maybe even longer for larger pools. Lastly another thing to consider is the higher upfront cost of the saltwater generator system versus other systems.
There are a lot of things to consider when deciding on which sanitising system to choose for your pool, and ultimately it comes down to your individual preference. If you love these benefits and think that a saltwater pool is for you, or perhaps you would like further information specifically for your backyard, then please reach out to our friendly team at Barrier Reef Pools, and we will be happy to help.
The Many Benefits Of A Saltwater Pool
When you understand the health benefits of a saltwater swimming pool, you will realise why pools with saltwater generators are becoming the popular alternative to traditional chlorine pools. Families aren't keen on the strong smell or the eye-burning that goes with having a traditional chlorine system. While essentially both systems will keep your water clean using chlorine, the salt chlorine generator will convert the salt into chlorine via a process called electrolysis. This removes the bacteria and algae to keep your pool clean, and even though salt is added at a high level to the water using a salt chlorine generator, you won’t have to worry about actually tasting the salt! Your pool will only have a salinity level that is 1/10th the saltiness of the ocean. Let’s look at the many benefits of a saltwater pool.

Swimming is already a great way to relax, and with how busy our lives are this is a key benefit! Especially because swimming in saltwater is known to promote our body’s natural relaxation process more effectively. The exposure to salt water will also soothe sore muscles and relieve stiffness and pain from arthritis too.
Salt is safer to store than chlorine in its solid or powdered form. This means there is no risk of your children or pets stumbling upon the toxic chlorine on your property. When chlorine is stored or used incorrectly, it can be poisonous, corrosive, and also a fire hazard. Luckily, you won’t have these concerns when you have a saltwater generator in your swimming pool. Not only does the storage of salt versus chlorine have an impact on safety around your pool, it also has an impact on the safety of the water. With salt, the chlorine levels from electrolysis are much lower than the concentration of traditional chlorine, this will eliminate exposure to direct contact with harsh chemicals in the water on skin, as well as eyes- you can open your eyes underwater without risk!
Even though you are replacing the traditional chlorine with salt, your pool is actually not ‘chlorine-free’. The process of electrolysis converts dissolved salt (sodium chloride) into chlorine. This sodium hypochlorite and hypochlorous acid (form of chlorine produced via electrolysis), are capable of neutralising the bacteria and algae in your pool just as successfully as the old- school chlorine. This means you are left with clean and sanitary water with lower levels of chloramines which are known to cause skin and eye irritation with that unpleasant “chlorine” smell – so you don’t have to be worried about getting out of the pool smelling like chlorine yourself.

Gentle On Eyes
Salt is safe, sanitary and best of all gentle on swimmers eyes. No longer will your eyes itch, burn or turn red after spending time in a chlorinated pool. The level of salt in a saltwater pool is around 3,500 parts per million and is far lower than the 35,000 parts per million in seawater. Saltwater in a pool actually mimics a similar concentration of the salt found in our tears. This is why it is less likely to irritate your eyes compared to chlorine.
Soothing For Skin
Saltwater is known to feel softer on your skin. It also increases the ability of your skin to lock in moisture which helps to nourish your skin. Saltwater acts as a natural exfoliator, and people with allergies, sensitive skin or things like eczema, psoriasis, acne, and other skin conditions can use the pool risk free. Swimming in salty water can even have therapeutic effects for people. Compared to the high chlorine content from a traditionally chlorinated pool, which can leave your body feeling dry and skin feeling itchy when you get out of the pool. Saltwater has no damaging effects on your hair, skin, or body like chlorine does.
Non-Irritating To The Lungs
Did you know that some people can experience lung irritation after swimming in highly chlorinated swimming pools? The chlorine aggravates asthma and allergy symptoms, and can even cause other breathing problems. Salt water is an excellent alternative, as the soft, mild water can actually alleviate many concerns associated with lung conditions, instead of exasperating them.

Less Maintenance And More Economical
There is no risk of overdosing your pool with harsh chemicals which would make it unsafe to swim in, like how chlorine pools can. Because the saltwater generator makes the chlorine automatically when the pool pumps switch on it maintains a consistent level of chlorine. Also saltwater pools are more economical to run compared to chlorine, because the salt is cheaper than traditional chlorine. (Chlorine is around $150 a year whereas salt is around $20.)
When deciding whether to use a salt water system or a chlorine system for your pool, it’s important for you to understand the benefits as well as the challenges of both chlorine and saltwater, to keep your pool in top condition. Salt can be corrosive, so you need to look after the areas around your fibreglass pool as they will be subjected to getting splashed. Use fresh water to wash down concrete, equipment, or the timber deck around your pool after you use the pool, to prevent damage from occurring. You will need to make sure that the handrails that you are installing are compatible with the salt water system.
Also keep in mind that saltwater pools will typically require additional attention to balance the water levels, and you will need to run the pool pump for a minimum of 8 hours per day, maybe even longer for larger pools. Lastly another thing to consider is the higher upfront cost of the saltwater generator system versus other systems.
There are a lot of things to consider when deciding on which sanitising system to choose for your pool, and ultimately it comes down to your individual preference. If you love these benefits and think that a saltwater pool is for you, or perhaps you would like further information specifically for your backyard, then please reach out to our friendly team at Barrier Reef Pools, and we will be happy to help.