Can A Fibreglass Pool Be Heated?
Choosing the perfect swimming pool can be a huge dilemma for a lot of people. Most people are not particularly certain about the features they want in a home pool.
The monetary investment behind the pool might be really large, which makes it almost impossible to replace it after it is installed. Consequently, it is extremely important to know the difference between the features of the various kinds of pools available before making a decision.
While you’re here, check out our 6 best swimming pool features for your pool!

Fibreglass Pools
Fibreglass pools have become increasingly popular over recent years. A lot of customisation options are available for fibreglass pools, which makes them quite popular.
Even though many pool owners love a cool and refreshing pool, a lot prefer a warm and comfortable swim. The preference is mostly dependent on the climate of the area they live in. Still, having a pool with a heating feature can come in handy at any time. One of the most frequently asked questions by pool buyers is whether fibreglass pools can be heated; the answer is yes.
Why Should You Heat Your Pool?
Heating a pool is absolutely necessary when the weather is cold. In places with harsh winters, pool water can become freezing cold, making comfortable swimming impossible. It might be difficult to swim even during daylight hours. This will lead to the pool being unused the whole winter. Heating the pool will help you to warm up the water to appropriate levels before you use it. This way, you can also use it year-round.
The pool water temperature can go down even if you are not living in an area with harsh winters. The atmospheric temperature is lower at night during winter, and this makes the pool water colder. It will take a lot of time for the pool water to regain its normal temperature, sometimes even the entire day. This will also render the pool unusable if it does not have a heating feature. So, having a pool heating system is advisable even if the winters are not extremely cold.
During cold weather, only the surface pool water might be heated by sunlight. This means that the lower water layers will be colder, making a swim in the pool uncomfortable. Heating the pool water to an optimal temperature will prevent this issue.

Fibreglass Pools And Heating
Fibreglass pools can be heated without any issues. In fact, a lot of people prefer pools with a heating system. People usually buy pools to relax in and enjoy with friends and family. Pools with spas are the best way to spend time unwinding and de-stressing. This makes the fibreglass pool heating system an essential feature.
Heating a pool is an easy task, and there are various heating system choices available on the market. You need a thorough understanding of the different heating systems to choose the right one to suit your needs. The major pool heating systems available are:
Electric Heating
This is the most commonly used pool heating system. It is available to the pool owner year-round. There are two ways in which an electric pool heating system can be used:
The first method is using a complete electric heating system, where the heat is generated by using an electric current. This method is expensive as it increases the electricity bill.
The second method employs a heat exchanger with a corrosion-resistant titanium heating element to heat it up and transfer it to the pool water. This method allows you to warm up the pool water quickly.
Both of these methods involve high operating costs, and they are not environmentally friendly.
Gas Heating
Gas heating is one of the most efficient, but also the most expensive methods of pool heating. It uses propane, heating oil, or natural gas to heat the pool water. The water is allowed to pass through the combustion chamber of a gas heater where heat is generated by burning gas. The heated water is then taken back to the swimming pool. This method is not eco-friendly and highly expensive.
Solar Heating
This is the most efficient and eco-friendly way of heating your pool water. No electric power is used in this system, reducing your carbon footprint. The system purely runs on solar energy. There are different methods by which the solar heating system can be implemented.
Solar Panels: They can be installed either on your terrace or lawn. Water can be passed through a network of pipes that pass through these panels. The heated water is then used to warm up the pool.
Solar Mats: These are used for small pools. The entire pool water can be passed through solar mats warmed using sunlight. You should have enough space to place the mats. This method is unsuitable for larger pools.
Solar Collectors: The solar collectors are dome-shaped and compact. The water is heated by passing it through the dome-shaped pipes.
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Factors To Consider While Choosing A Pool Heating System
There are several factors you should keep in mind before deciding on a heating system for your pool. Some of them include:
Size of the pool: Different heating systems are available for small and large pools. It is not advisable to use them interchangeably as it can interfere with the efficiency of operation.
Pool use frequency: If you are in the habit of using your pool regularly, you should consider investing in a cost-effective and efficient pool heating system.
Purpose of your pool: People prefer warm pools more for relaxation than for regular exercise. You might want to invest in a good heating system if de-stressing is your aim.
People using your pool: Kids and older people are less tolerant of cold water. So, if your pool users include kids and the elderly, it is advisable to have an efficient heating system.
Climate: If you live in an area with less sunlight, investing in a solar heating system will be uneconomical. Choose a heating system best suited for your climate.
See here for the difference between pool heaters and heat pumps!
The different heating systems available for fibreglass pools have benefits and drawbacks. You should carefully consider your budget and requirements before deciding on a heating system. You can even get tips from professional installers before deciding on the one best suited for your needs. Chat to your local pool builder today!